Building bricks - BMI
The ceiling-height brick panel designed for modern architecture
The ceiling-height brick panel designed for modern architecture
The top-of-the-line solution for joinery with Bloc Baie Inversé (inverted bay block - BBI)
Ceiling-height brick panels for modern architecture
Quick and easy solution for angles
The solution for pillars and roof overhangs
Terracotta partitions for better thermal inertia
Ducts Ø 230 inside for closed hearth
Ducts Ø 180 inside for wood stove
The ideal block for foundations;
The most complete range of traditional chimneys on the market
The terracotta solution for dropped ceilings
The general rule is not to build or glue a brick when the substrate is frozen. Complete with the rest.
The precautions to be taken when building with Calibric are
- Temperature between 5 and 35°C.
- The brick surfaces must be clean, sound and free of dust.
- Moisten the surface of the bricks before applying the mortar (mandatory in hot weather and/or strong winds).
The maximum lintel must rest at least 10 cm on each side of the opening. The table dimension of the opening + 10cm must therefore be taken. Ex: for an opening of 0.90m, a maximum lintel of 1.10m must be ordered.
The chain must be anchored 10cm into the masonry.
28cm thick roller shutter box: 215 mm
30cm thick roller shutter box: 230 mm
37.5cm thick roller shutter box: 230 mm
As well as the diameter of the roller shutter, the type of slat (thickness) also has an impact on the closing height of the roller shutter.
Yes, if the wall ties do not come just above the terracotta roller shutter box.
The presence of a reinforced concrete lintel with a minimum support of 20cm on the masonry on each side of the opening allows the loads to be transferred to the masonry and not to the roller shutter boxes
Our products are distributed through building material dealers. You can find a list of our distributors on our website under the heading Terreal near you.
The installation of thin joint bricks requires the traditional tools of the mason, such as the ruler, the level, the rubber mallet... However, it also requires additional special tools, including
- Metal laying plates for the first bed of traditional mortar.
- A rotary mixer mounted on a drill for mixing the adhesive mortar.
- An applicator roller for precise and regular application of the adhesive mortar.
We recommend the use of OC2 or OC1 semi-lightweight rendering on all TERREAL building brick ranges.