Our vision of Corporate Social Responsibility
Our Group has long been aware of its social responsibility. The health and safety of our employees, the satisfaction of our customers and the reduction of our energy consumption as well as the preservation and development of our clay resources are priorities for us, fully integrated in our current corporate strategy. At all levels, in all our activities and in every decision we make.
The pillars of our CSR actions

Build a Better Company

Build Better Solutions

Build a Better Planet

Reports and documentations
Our Group's ethical commitment
Compliance means enabling each employee to contribute to the Group's economic development within an ethical framework that respects the law and its values. It also means ensuring that all third parties with whom the company interacts work under the same conditions. It is therefore quite simply establishing a relationship of trust, both internally and externally. In order to build this trust, the Group has adopted a Code of Conduct and internal policies that detail it.
The whistleblowing system is the possibility offered to each internal employee or external company (supplier/customer, etc.) to report, according to the provisions of the procedure set up for this purpose, a fact that he or she deems not to be in compliance with the law or with this Code of Conduct. For more information: see our Whistleblowing procedure.
Our CSR reports
Sustainable Development Report of the French Tile and Brick Federation (FFTB)
FFTB Report 2020 (french)