Joining Terreal means joining teams with strong common values and supported by a Group strategy. Our HR policies aim to provide a responsible working environment that encourages the development of each individual: Building a great company for which we are proud to work and collaborate.
Karine Goudy - Human Resources Director
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Our actions to support our ambitions
At Terreal, we are particularly attentive to well-being in the workplace, placing health and safety at the heart of our priorities. You can benefit from our training programmes which develop skills in our various trades and professional mobility.
Finally, throughout the year we work to promote Diversity, Inclusion and Equity through our initiatives to improve gender diversity and greater representation of women, partnerships with schools to strengthen our links with the younOur actions to support our ambitions
ger generation and actions to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities.
in short...

Well-being at work
Within our Group, the health and safety of our employees, contractors and visitors is our top priority. Ensuring their integrity so that they can return home safe and sound at the end of the day or shift is paramount. All of our daily processes and behaviours take this into account.

Talents and skills
In a context of increased competition and technical and technological developments, our Group is committed to developing human capital. In order to promote the development of skills and the employability of its employees, training programmes leading to a certificate or diploma have been set up. These measures aim to strengthen and consolidate know-how in the long term, both technically and managerially.
En savoir plus
Diversity, inclusion, equity
Guaranteeing diversity and professional equality is at the heart of our human resources policy.
Whether in the form of collective agreements or commitments to partners and associations, our initiatives demonstrate our commitment to these vectors of transformation and progress.
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Portrait of
Marine - Process Engineer
"I work at Terreal as a process engineer. It's a job where the missions are divided in two. The process and continuous improvement part and another part based on development. What I'm passionate about is the day-to-day work. It's also about going out into the field to understand the source of small problems and finding solutions to prevent them from happening again. "
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