Choose terracotta to renovate your façade sustainably
Many buildings are poorly insulated. They are therefore considered to be "thermal sieves". They're too hot in summer and too cold in winter, while stagnant air can make damp more likely to occur. To save energy and benefit from a comfortable temperature all year round, façade renovation represents an effective, long-lasting solution. Terracotta is a breathable material commonly used in façade construction and renovation, either in rainscreen cladding or in insulating panels. By using insulation professionals, you'll be able to improve user comfort and save money.
Once renovated, the façade will look completely different. As a result, you will need to obtain permission from the local council before starting work.

The advantages of an external terracotta façade
Given it's many advantages, terracotta is one of the most widely used materials in construction:
- Terracotta is an environmentally friendly façade material. Made from clay, which is available in large quantities from the soil, it is a renewable resource. In addition, terracotta releases virtually no VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and contains no dyes or additives. It is therefore harmless to humans and animals.
- A terracotta façade is non-combustible, long-lasting and durable. It is highly resistant to large fluctuations in temperature and is able to withstand impacts, UV, frost and rain. The colour of a terracotta façade may change slightly over time but this does not affect the properties of the material.
- Terracotta is inert. When used as a façade, it allows air to circulate easily through the building. As a result, the interior temperature is comfortable all year round and the risks of condensation and mould are virtually non-existent.
- As well as being stylish and attractive, terracotta doesn't require any maintenance.
Terracotta: the ideal material for façade renovation
A poorly insulated façade allows, on average, a quarter of the heating produced in a building to escape. This leads to high energy bills and greenhouse gas emissions. This financial waste and the pollution can be prevented by renovating the façade, work that will also perfectly insulate the building.
Renovating a façade therefore provides improved insulation while eliminating thermal bridges. Using terracotta in a façade renovation is an excellent choice, as this eco-friendly material offers all the advantages mentioned above.
How to finance a terracotta façade renovation
A terracotta façade greatly improves the energy performance of an energy-intensive building. The use of external thermal insulation (ETI) as part of a façade renovation is therefore eligible for support from Anah (Agence nationale de l'habitat assistance), the French National Housing Agency. In addition, this work is subject to a reduced VAT rate of 5.5% and most banks offer a zero-rate eco-loan (Éco-PTZ) to finance all or part of the project.
Fitting terracotta rainscreen cladding for a façade renovation
Quand on rénove une façade en posant un bardage en terre cuite, on procède en amont à l'installation d'une ossature métallique ou une ossature bois sur le bâtiment sur laquelle viennent se visser des panneaux isolants. On prend toujours bien garde à conserver une fine lame d'air afin d'assurer une ventilation parfaite qui laissera l'air circuler librement.
Poser une vêture pour rénover la façade extérieure
Autre solution possible à la place d'un bardage en terre cuite : la vêture. Contrairement au bardage, la vêture se compose d'un isolant et d'une plaque de parement collés ensemble. Le système se pose alors en une fois sur la structure du bâtiment.
TERREAL propose des solutions performantes pour la rénovation de façade avec bardage ou vêture. Les différents formats et teintes disponibles offrent la possibilité de trouver l'esthétique qui convient au bâtiment et à son environnement.